Advertise With Us Chrome OS Looks to Refresh Standard Fonts
Published By thechromesource Editorial Team
Published By thechromesource Editorial Team
With a new operating system comes a new set of fonts. Or so it may seem.
The three standard ones that appear to currently be available closely mimic the most popular ones for the Windows platform. The three – Tinos, Arimo and Cousine, make an attempt to refresh the old standard Times, Arial and Courier.
As you can see from the comparison above, the fonts are very much similar, even down to the namesake given to each new one. This is an attempt to create something new for the platform, yet keep it familiar enough so that people know what fonts that they are using and are easily readable on the web for those who switch from a Windows or Mac platform.
OMGUbuntu also has these fonts available for installation for use if you are a user of that Linux platform.